
We have reserved rooms for you at the Hotel Historia. We're also staying here. It's only a 5 minute walk from the Hangvilla. If you book here, you will get  10% discount on the following prices:


28.900.- Huf - 1 bed-room (8 rooms available)

32.000.- Huf - 2 beds-room (2 rooms available)

42.000.- Huf - 3-4 beds-room (2 rooms available)


It's also possible to put a children bed into the room.


Hotel Historia

Toborzó utca 11-13
8200 Veszprém

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There are of course many other options (hotels, flats, pensions & guest houses). You can find those on the known sites like or If you need any help, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'll be glad to help.